{"set_lang":{"kz":"Автоматтандыру объектісін зерттеу","ru":"Обследование  объекта автоматизации","en":"Inspection of the automation object"}}

Inspection of the automation object

Pre-project inspection of an automation object is the first stage on the way to creating an automated system of any level and scale. At this stage, the company's specialists carry out all the necessary work related to finding ways and evaluating the possibility of implementing the customer's requirements and wishes.

The survey includes:

▪ collection, systematization and analysis of initial data about the automation object;

▪ General analysis of the enterprise, technology and production features;

▪ assessment of the technical condition of the object (the state of the existing network infrastructure, server equipment, automated workplaces);

▪ description of existing automation systems at the automated process control system level APCS;

▪ defining the goals, objectives, and boundaries of project creation;

▪ an approximate estimate of the planned project implementation time and the required budget;

▪ assessment of the expected technical and economic results of the establishment of the AU.

Based on the results of the object survey, a survey report and a technical and commercial proposal are compiled.

Preparation of design and estimate documentation is also one of the most important stages in the implementation of any project. The company employs professional estimators who have qualification certificates and state-issued certificates.