{"set_lang":{"kz":"Техникалық тапсырманы әзірлеу","ru":"Разработка  технического задания","en":"Development of the technical task"}}

Development of the technical task

The development of the Technical specification (TOR) for the creation of an automated control system is the final stage of the pre-project stage and is the fundamental document of the future project and all relationships between the customer and the contractor. The basis of a specification for the development of an automated system are functional requirements which represent a major difficulty of development work, TK. Collect and structure information about the functional requirements for the as, formulate the task as fully and correctly as possible – this is the main goal of the TOR.

In addition to functional requirements the TOR sets out such important and useful requirements as:

▪ requirements for the structure and operation of the system;

▪ requirements for the number and qualification of system personnel;

▪ requirements for protecting information from unauthorized access;

▪ requirements for types of software (mathematical, informational, software, technical, etc.);

▪ requirements for the composition and content of work on preparing the automation object for commissioning of the system;▪ требования к документированию.

All changes, additions and clarifications to the wording of the TOR must be agreed with the customer and approved by them. The original task is issued by the requester. The main reasons that make them contact the developer are the customer's lack of relevant expertise or limited resources (lack of time to solve the problem, the necessary number of people, equipment).

Properly drafted Technical requirements for APCS is key to the successful implementation of any project, so our company develop tors is performed only by leading specialists of the company and in close cooperation with the customer. As a rule, the TOR is compiled based on the results of a preliminary survey, technical and economic calculations, etc.